
Tuesday 17 January 2012

Spring Fling!

What better way to celebrate the start of British Summer Time than with our next Hidden Teapot market! Hurrah. The date has been set for Sunday 25 March and we have secured a lovely venue in the heart of Beckenham. This will enable us to be accessible to all! So teapots, keep the date free and Miss SoS will be in touch soon with more info. If you are a new teapot and would like to be involved, email Miss SoS at

x x x

Monday 9 January 2012

Happy New Teatime!!

Hello teapots!

Happy New Year to you all. The Hidden Teapot is not yet a year old but we are going from from strength to strength. The coming year should give us the opportunity to host more tea parties, eat more cake and grow our collective. A spring market is being planned and we aim to make it bigger than the Christmas event so that more talented designer-makers and artists can show and sell their work. It is an exciting time!

Fancy joining us? Got what it takes? If you are a designer-maker, artist or crafter who makes original, brilliant and affordable pieces, contact Miss SoS with some details.

See you soon teapots x x x